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Monday 24 February 2014

Windows 8.1, Not much better than Windows 8

For those of you out there that have gone to Windows 8 or have bough a PC with Windows 8 you would have found a number of flaws with the operating system.  Along with that I just feel plain sorry for you.  I know when I first used Windows 8 there were a lot of little things that just didn't make sense, or were over complicated and not really user friendly.  The question I had to ask, was why would I upgrade from Windows 7?
Now along come Windows 8.1, with a promised improvement over the flaws in Windows 8.  They lied.  Windows 8.1 has only some minor changes to functionality, with a faster boot up time and the ability to now boot to the desktop directly and avoid the tiled home screen.  This is just confusing thought.  If I wanted to boot to a desktop I would use Windows 7.  So, Microsoft has taken a step backwards in their goal to great an operating system that is "multi platformed" and has instead decided to go back to how windows has been for the last 15 years.  Sorry Microsoft, but really???  How many of you out there like Windows 8 or Windows 8.1???

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