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Monday 24 February 2014

Samsung's Gear 2 - Is it just a gadget?

I released a post earlier today about the release of Samsung's new Gear 2 and Gear Neo.  I then had a closer look at the new design and specs and some things didn't really fit.   To be honest I could see some pointless additions and problems of the Gear 2.  Firstly, the new position of the camera on the Gear 2 is not exactly ideal.  when you're wearing it on your wrist is it for taking pictures of other people or yourself.  Are you going to be standing on the train taking selfies of yourself using your watch?  To be completely honest what is the point of even adding a camera?  If I want to take a picture I would just take out my smartphone, which has a better camera anyway.  The Gear 2's camera is only 2MP, it seems kind of pointless to have a camera in a watch in the first place.  Secondly what is the point of having and IR blaster for controlling your TV?  It seems that Samsung just wanted to add useless additions to the watch without actually thinking why you would use that feature.  I really can't see myself sitting on the couch using my watch to control the TV.  So is Samsung trying to create a useful tool that you can use everyday, or are they making a gadget which we will play with for a little while before moving onto something else??  You tell me. 

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