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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Microsoft pushing Windows 8.1 to phones

So along with releasing Windows 8.1 to PCs around the globe, Microsoft confirmed at the 2014 World Mobile Conference that Windows 8.1 would be rolled out to phones running the Window's operating system.  They claim that Windows 8.1 will lower the cost of phones, getting rid of the requirement of phones having to have external buttons.  I'm a bit sceptical of that, but that's Microsoft for you.  Along with announcing the roll out of Windows 8.1, Microsoft also annouced nine new phone partners, including such names as LG and Lenovo.  Nokia, which accounted for the majority of Windows phones sold last year, and which Microsoft is in the process of aquiring, helped cement the Windows operating system as the third option behind iOS and Android.  Microsoft's nine new partnerships could help with this momentumn.  Or could it.  Already we see that Android and iOS have the majority of users, while Windows has a very small marketshare.  Lets face it, people don't want windows on their phones.  With the amount of resistants to Windows 8 and the new 8.1, you would think Microsoft would get the hint.  Make something better. 

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